Frontend interface
Let users create posts themselves
Dead-simple front-end uploader
Users can log in/register using most popular social networks
Users can upvote or downvote every submitted content
Integrated pagination
Integrated social sharing buttons
Integration with WP QUADS plugin for custom ad locations
Custom widget for displaying recently updated lists
Backend iterface
Create posts using backend interface
Role based access (by default for admins and editors)
Create quizzes
Create polls
Convert standard posts into lists
Post formats
Story (with WYSIWYG editor)
Meme (with Meme Generator)
Trivia quiz
Personality quiz
Hot or Not
Embedded content from social media sites – YouTube videos, Instagram photos, Twitter statuses, etc. Everything you can embed in WordPress will work. With integration Snax supports over 400 social media channels.
Open List
Ranked List
Regular List
Any format can be disabled
Formats order can be changed
Create on frontend and backend
Reveal correct/wrong answers:
at the end of the quiz
right after user answers a question
Define questions per page
Shuffle questions
Shuffle answers
Show “Start Quiz” button
Show “Play again” button
Allow users to share results
Share to unlock (user has to share first to see results)
Hot or Not
Create on frontend and backend
Reveal results:
at the end of the poll
right after user answers a question
Define questions per page
Shuffle questions
Shuffle answers
Allow users to share results
Share to unlock (user has to share first to see results)
List types:
Open: anyone can submit new list items and vote up for the best submission
Ranked: anyone can vote up for the best submission
List item types: image, video, audio, text or embed
Disable any item type
Show list status in post title
Show items count in post title
Allow rich editor for items
Allow commenting single list item
Allow voting on single list item
Allow voting on entire list
Embed content from most popular sites like YouTube, Instagram or Facebook integration. gives you access to more than 400 services.
Free plan does not require any API key – just enable and enjoy!
Administration & Moderation
Role/capabilities access
Each submission requires your approval before publishing
Skip verification step for trusted users
Custom Widgets
Lists (display Recently added, Open for submission etc)
Call To Action (encourage users to create new posts: meme, story etc)
Teaser (encourage users to take an actions: fill poll, quiz etc)
Frontend submission full control
Force user to choose at least one post category
Allow users to choose many categories
Define categories to be chosen by a user
Auto assign post to category during submission
Define how many tags user can add
Featured image full control
Force users to upload post featured image
Hide featured image on single post page