Facebook Chat for WordPress

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100% Original Product & Well Documented

GPL License


Original price was: $24.53.Current price is: $2.26.

Facebook Chat for WordPress 100% GPL & Free from Virus / Malware / Malicious Script / Backdoor. Buy Theme Plugin Never Sell Nulled or Crack versions. FAQs

Product Last Updated: February 19, 2023
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100% Virus, No Null, No Crack

Unlimited Domain Usage

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The Facebook Chat Plugin for WordPress is a powerful tool that seamlessly integrates the functionality of Facebook Messenger into your WordPress website. With this plugin, you can easily connect with your visitors in real-time, providing instant support, fostering engagement, and building stronger relationships.

By installing the Facebook Chat Plugin, you enable a familiar and convenient communication channel that many users already use and trust. Your website visitors can initiate conversations directly from your website, using their Facebook accounts or as guest users. This streamlined approach eliminates the need for additional registration or login processes, reducing friction and making it easier for users to reach out to you.

Key Features:

Instant Chat: Engage with your website visitors in real-time, answering their questions, providing support, and addressing their concerns promptly.

Mobile-Friendly Experience: The plugin ensures a seamless chat experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, allowing you to connect with visitors no matter where they are.

Customizable Appearance: Tailor the chat widget’s appearance to match your website’s design and branding. Choose from various color schemes, placement options, and custom greetings to create a personalized experience for your visitors.


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